
Are the LULU Cuffs RLV-compatible?

Yes, they are, out of the box. Of course, cuffs only implement RLV restrictions that you would expect from cuffs. So you won't find Lulu cuffs preventing you from IM'ing (look to the gags for that), or taking off clothes etc.

These are the default RL Viewer features implemented by the cuffs:

  • when locked, can't touch any object more than 1.5m away from your avie.
  • when locked, you can't detach any cuff or the Signature HUD.
  • when in a pose that prevents movement, you are not allowed to TP either. Except if the tp is offered by your owner.

The sub's Owner can choose to turn any of these options on or off when using the cuffs:

  • Say /1c when cuffs are worn (replace /1 with command channel, if it was changed)
  • Cuffs Menu > other… > RLV Options

General RLV features are available in the LULU Utility HUD (uHUD), free with your Cuffs.

  • rlv-cuffs.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/27 07:18
  • by lulu