
Emote Cheating during Ban-Talk

When the Gag's Ban-Talk is on, invalid emotes are treated as cheating and trigger a breach.

What makes a valid emote?

1. Use PHYSICAL ACTIONS that can be SEEN

e.g. '/me nods' is ok, but '/me agrees' or '/me thinks so too' is not.

Nodding is a physical action. People can see you nod your head. But unless you say so, no one knows that you 'agree' or that you 'think so too'. That is to say, 'agreeing' and 'thinking' are internal, unseen actions. So saying 'me agrees' is really a way of saying “I agree”. Which is cheating.

Warning: actions that makes noises or sounds (through the mouth) are treated as talking. e.g. /me laughs


e.g. /me looks sad is ok, but /me is looking sad is not.

Emoting should be done in the present tense. Using the continuous tense not only sounds weird, but uses 'is'. The problem is, 'is' and 'has' are common ways to cheat. e.g. /me is hungry or /me has money. There is no way for people to know this unless you tell them. Which is cheating. Which is why is and has are banned. Using PRESENT TENSE only avoids this issue. And you won't sound weird.

3. Avoid VOCAL SOUNDS like laughing, giggling, meowing

Though not technically words, laughing, giggling, meowing, etc. are vocal communication. Because that's like talking, it's banned. This means saying: lol, rofl, lmao is also banned.

If you follow the above criteria and some common sense, you should be ok.

The LULU system is self-learning and continually improving. Even if you successfully game the system one day, you might trigger a breach the next.

If you are on Gag Training Mode, it's best to be very cautious and not to take risks. An emote breach will immediately end the current Training session.

  • emote-cheating.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/28 07:34
  • by lulu