
What is Re-rez?

When the sub (inadvertently?) detaches* a locked LULU Collar, Cuff or Gag, it is automatically rezzed again inworld and onto the sub. This is called Re-rez. Her Owners will be informed of both the detach, and of a successful Re-rez.

For Re-rez to work, ANY of the following must be true:

  1. If your sub has rez-rights on the land, Re-rez will always work.
  2. Otherwise, your sub needs to have RLV turned on.

If Re-rez cannot be executed for now, it is merely delayed. The moment the sub teleports to rezzable land, Re-rez will be executed, and as always, her Owners will be informed.

— * it is possible to detach stuff even when locked in RLV mode, under some conditions!

  • rerez.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/26 05:56
  • by lulu