
Lulu Convertible Leash Ring

With the One Ring, you can do many things.

The LULU Convertible Leash Ring is only for the sub's owner. If you are the sub and are un-owned, you can set yourself as owner (Click the white LULU logo on your HUD. HUD Menu > owner… > add… > self) for the time being.

The sub’s owner can get Leash Ring from the LULU Key Box. If you're having problems, see I can't get the Leash Ring from the Key Box.

  1. Just wear the Convertible Leash Ring
  2. The Collar Ring Menu will automatically pop up and you can change the leash length, or the collar ring that you want to attach the leash to.

There’s no need for chat commands.

Just click the Leash Ring If you need to adjust the leash length or collar ring again. If she’s not leashed to the ring at the time, she will now be leashed.

The Leash Ring is worn on your right hand by default, but you can re-attach it any time to your left hand, or either hip. The Leash Ring will remember its position if you change your mind and change attachment points.

  1. Just drop your pet’s Convertible Leash Ring on the ground (right-click the Ring, and click Drop).

Or, drag the Leash Ring from your inventory to the ground.

  1. The Leash Ring will instantly convert itself to a leashing post, and hammer itself into the ground. Your pet remains chained to the ring. If your pet was not already leashed when you dropped the Leash Ring, your pet will now be automatically leashed.
  2. To leash to the wall, just adjust the Leash Ring’s position so that it sits on the wall.

If she logs out, she will still be chained when she logs back in – if the land does not return your Leash Ring to you.

If you “wear” the staked Leash Ring from the ground (right-click the Ring and hit Wear), it will convert itself back to a normal Leash Ring in your hands. If your pet was chained to the Ring when it was grounded, your pet will remain chained in your hands. Similarly, if your pet was not unleashed when it was grounded, your pet will remain unleashed when the Ring is in your hands.

If you take the staked Leash Ring to inventory instead of wearing it, the next time you wear it, it will convert back to a stake-less Leash Ring.

You can change leash length and collar ring by clicking the Leash Ring any time and using the Collar Ring Menu.

If you are dragging your pet along by the leash, and you TP away, she will automatically follow you across the grid to your new sim. That is, she will be force-TP'd (so long as she has RLV-enabled).

If you are already on another sim, and would like your pet to join you, just click the Leash Ring and you have the option to force-TP her over.

If you've got your own favorite leash ring you'd like to use, you can hide the LULU Convertible Leash Ring while wearing your favorite one. Remember to use “add” to wear it from your inventory.

You can also drop the hidden Leash Ring inworld, and move it into a door knob or any inworld object.

To hide the LULU Convertible Leash Ring:

  1. Click the Leash Ring and hold until the settings menu come up. Or, say /1r* (the character * is an asterix)
  2. Choose hide.

The easy way is to wear both subs' Leash Rings on one hand (and click one of them to hide it).

The real way is:

  1. Rez first sub's Leash Ring on the ground. She will be leashed to it already.
  2. Leash second sub to the Leash Ring on the ground via Collar Menu > Leash…
  3. Wear the grounded Leash Ring in your hand.

To unleash the second sub, you need to go to her Collar Menu > Leash… and unleash.

  • using-lulu-leash-ring.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/24 07:31
  • by lulu