
Getting Started

Congratulations on your sub owning a LULU Signature gear, the ultimate in bondage technology.

This guide is meant for Owners of a sub. If you just got this web link together with a LULU Key Box, it means that you have just be set as your sub’s owner.

The sub's Owner uses chat commands to call up menus which power the system.

There is also new optional Owner's HUD which does away with chat commands and fumbling for keys.

The LULU Signature system does some pretty amazing things not found elsewhere:

Just say the word, and the Signature gear automatically rezzes in the air and swoops down on the poor sub. The sub will not be asked for permission to wear the gear.

The commands are:

Chat command If not worn If already worn
/1l (l is lowercase L, for coLLar or Leash) air-rezzes Signature Collar Collar Menu
/1c air-rezzes Signature Cuffs Cuff Menu
/1g air-rezzes Signature Gag Gag Menu

If the sub is already wearing the Signature gear, saying the command will call up the appropriate Gear Menu.

With Air-Rez, the sub’s owner is in full control. The sub’s owner can, at his or her discretion, change the type of cuffs or gag worn at any time, with ease. The Sub need not be using any special viewer to achieve this.

Your sub wears one HUD to launch different types of LULU Collars, Cuffs and Gags.

If the Signature gear is locked, and the sub successfully detaches it (in non-RLV mode), the HUD will rez another one right in its place.* Again, no special viewers required.

The re-rezzed restraint will remember all previous settings.

* sub needs to have rez rights.

The LULU Pose Engine will bring out the sexy in her. The Cuffs give you ultimate control, and pleasure, in binding her step by step. The Collar allows her complete freedom of movement and expression – as a pet – on all fours.

See her come alive, powered by LULU.

All LULU Signature gear are lovingly-crafted, with much blood, sweat, and tears, using the finest materials. As you step into the world of LULU, you will discover many details that make make your world better.

LULU Signature gear are simply, the most secure restraints you can find in SL, in both RLV or non-RLV mode. Why?

RLV no-detach security is great (LULU Signature gear has this too), but this can be circumvented by simply logging into another viewer, or by modding scripts, or adding custom scripts.

Because LULU Signature gear are no-mod – they are 100% hack-proof, and tamper-proof, even if you have a crafty sub.*

With Re-rez and alarms, you will know when your sub tries something funny by using different SL viewers while locked.

* Though they are no-mod,LULU Signature gear can be colored and re-sized. It’s a lot more work to support a no-mod system, but Lulu believes it's worth it.

The LULU Utility HUD (uHUD) allows you and the community to edit and expand your system. Unlike the main Signature HUD, this is moddable. Hence it is not as secure as the core no-mod Signature HUD and Signature Gear.

The uHUD comes free with the Signature Collar, Signature Cuffs and Signature Gag.

Your sub wears the LULU Signature HUD and where applicable, also the uHUD (Utility HUD) at all times. This allows you to access the HUD Menu and the uHUD Menu.

Your sub must be wearing the Signature HUD before these commands will work.

/1. HUD Menu
/1.owner shortcut to Owner Menu
/1.reset resets the HUD
/1.male changes gender. /1.female too. Use discreetly.
/1.stopanim emergency stop all animations
/1.pose toggles into and out of the avie edit pose

Your sub must be wearing this Utility HUD (separate HUD that comes with the Signature Collar) before these commands will work. /1.. uHUD Menu /1..rlv RLV Menu

/1l (lowercase L) air-rezzes Signature Collar or Collar Menu if already worn
/1l-- (lowercase L and two hypens) or /1l remove detaches collar
/1c air-rezzes Signature Cuffs, or Cuff Menu if already worn
/1c- kwik-release, returns sub to default SL standing postion
/1c-- or /1c remove detaches cuffs
/1c1 launches wrists only
/1c2 launches ankles only
/1c3 launches arms only
/1c4 launches thighs only
/1c1r launches right wrist cuff only
/1c2l launches left ankle cuff
etc. (combine c1 to c4 with l or r to rez desired cuff)

Learn more about rezzing individual cuffs

/1g air-rezzes Signature Gag or Gag Menu if worn
/1g help list of chat commands
/1g-- or /1g remove detaches gag

Learn more Gag chat commands.

Say you both Annabelle and Jane are your subs, and both are wearing the Signature HUD. Saying /1. will call up the HUD Menu of both subs. If you are wearing the Signature HUD too, your own menu will show as well as your sub's.

To avoid this, you can use a prefix or change the command channel.

You need LULU Real Keys to lock and unlock your pet’s Signature Gear.

You can get her keys and Leash Ring from her LULU Key Box.

  • dom.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/30 05:39
  • by lulu