
The Sub’s Owner

The LULU Signature series allow you to specify up to four owners. An owner owns you, the sub.

Your owner has access to special options in your Signature gear. For example:

  • Your owner can lock and unlock you any time, with the LULU Real Key.
  • Only your owner can cancel the “bitch alarm” that is triggered when you have been naughty.
  • Your owner can leash you to anything (Signature Collar).
  • Your owner decides whether you will drool (Signature Gag), and how your garbled text looks like.
  • Your owner can put your Signature Cuffs in Promiscuous mode, which allows others to play with you.

Some buttons on the menus are only available to your owner.

You can set yourself as your own owner, and access those options to use for self-bondage. You will receive your LULU Key Box where you get your own LULU Real Keys and Leash Ring (if you have the Signature Collar).

But you cannot be self-owned and owned by another at the same time – this makes no sense and is a breach of security.

  • what-is-my-owner.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/21 06:53
  • by lulu