
Gag Circles

The Gagette starts off as Initiate, and on the successful completion of Gag Training, will progress to the next Circle. New features or goodies are unlocked at each Circle.

An Initiate is totally untrained, and cannot control her garbled speech. Sometimes it will be loud (uppercase), sometimes soft (lowercase. Sometimes it will be mangled, sometimes semi-intelligible.

Only one other person (other than her Owner) can understand her (if No-IM is on, she is not allowed to IM anyone, with only one exception, other than her Owners1)).

A Novice is trained to respond to tightening or loosening by blabbering loudly (uppercase) or softly (lowercase) respectively. By default, tightening her Gag will result in her blabbering loudly, loosening will result in her speaking softly. But her Owner can also decide to switch that around, or that she should always babble loudly (or softly), regardless of whether her Gag is worn tightly or not. In other words, she has more control over her speech now. This setting is found in Gag Menu > settings > tight or loose > loud.

Now, two other persons (other than her Owner*) can understand her (if No-IM is on, two exceptions are allowed on her IM whitelist, other than her Owners*). One more name can be added to the whitelist under Gag Menu > settings > tight or loose > whitelist > add.

An Adept is trained to respond to tightening or un-tightening by blabbering in mangled speech, or semi-intelligible speech. Her Owner can choose which speech is associated with tightening, and un-tightening. If the same speech is chosen for both tightening and un-tightening, it means she will always be blabbering with that speech. This setting is found in Gag Menu > settings > tight or loose > mangled.

Three other persons (other than her Owner*) can understand her in No-IM mode. One more name can be added to the No-IM Exception list under Gag Menu > settings > tight or loose > whitelist > add.

An Adept is also sufficiently trained to be able to withstand electric zaps when speaking when Ban-Talk is on (i.e. Zap is available under Gag Menu > Ban Talk > Zap).

A Slave would have spent considerable time in training. She is now trained to salivate more, or salivate less, when the Gag is tightened, or un-tightened. Her Owner can also choose one drool mode regardless of tightening or un-tightening.

Four other persons (other than her Owner*) can understand her in No-IM mode. One more name can be added to the No-IM Exception list under Gag Menu > settings > tight or loose > whitelist > add.

By lasting this long, she has also demonstrated sufficient loyalty - her Owner can now lock her down (instead of normal locking). In lockdown mode, she is unable to change her Owners. This option will be available when her Owner wears her Gag key to lock her.

A First Slave is very experienced in her chosen Gag. She will be invited to join LULU's First Slave Circle group.

She is eligible for a First Slave tattoo.

She can also accumulate more time in her Training and get listed on the Top 20 by Gag Type, or Top 100 by all Gags.

Five other persons (other than her Owner*) can understand her in No-IM mode. One more name can be added to the No-IM Exception list under Gag Menu > settings > tight or loose > whitelist > add.

The Gagette might be First Slave in the Ball Gag, but is still a Novice in the Ring Gag. When she gains enough experience in the Ring Gag and achieves First Slave as well, her title in the group will change to First Slave x 2. This will happen up to First Slave x6 for all Gags.

She will also be given new tatts with 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 to signify her new title.

IMs to Lulu are always enabled to allow support
  • gag-circles.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/30 05:22
  • by lulu