

Congratulations on owning your very own LULU Signature Collar!

Your Signature Collar has been lovingly crafted, with a lot more put into it than meets the eye. It has to be special, because you are.

Why It’s Special: Key Features

Ownership Deed Be sure to check out your very own Deed. Click the DEED icon on your Signature HUD.
Pet/Slave Tag Your pet/slave tag hanging from your collar. Click it. Customize it.
Leash●Me System Up to 5 active leashes. To anything. Auto-leashing.
Convertible Leash Ring Drop inworld and it stakes itself into the ground.
Pet-Crawl Dynamic-AO with 4 crawl styles. Crawling’s never been sexier.
Pet-Express 4 different types of hugs, wiggles, bobs, sniffs, begs, whines
Pet-Walk No more lazy afk auto-follow! You either follow after your Owner or choke!
Gravity Bell and Tag hangs correctly when you crawl
Jiggly Bell Go on. Click it.

Learn more about the special features.

  1. Rez the LULU Signature Boxed Set
  2. Click the Box.
  3. Copy to Inventory and Yes to move
  4. Look in your inventory for ~LULU Signature Boxed Set folder and wear the LULU Signature HUD
  5. Your HUD will initialize and start activation.
  6. After successful activation, your Collar is ready, and you can air-rez it by clicking the Collar icon on your HUD.

AO and Utility HUD

  1. Wear the LULU Utility HUD (uHUD). That gives you additional features like a built-in AO, RLV, rez toys, anims, LM teleporter and so on.
  2. If you plan on using your own AO instead of the one provided in the LULU Utility HUD, look for the script LULU.aoSync.lsl in your inventory and drop it into your AO so that it will not conflict with your LULU Collar.
  3. If you want to use the modified ZHAO AO provided, you don’t need to use the script. The AO is already pre-configured to play nice with your LULU Collar.
  • If you’re male, or into experimentation, set your gender. Click the white LULU logo on your HUD. HUD Menu > settings > gender…
  • Now’s the time to set your Owner.
  • What you should know about your Signature HUD (more info later)
  • What you should know about your Utility HUD (more info later)

Go on, wear it slanted – the bell will follow!

Quick chat commands:

/1l (lowercase L) air-rezzes Signature Collar, or Collar Menu if already worn
/1l rlv (lowercase L) rlv-rezzes Signature Collar
/1l-- or /1l remove detaches collar

Using and Editing your Pet/Slave Tag.

Learn more about the Public Register.

Using and Editing your Ownership Deed.

Pet-Crawl: Keyboard shortcuts

  • lulu-collar-getting-started.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/27 07:10
  • by lulu