
Garble and IM settings explained

These settings only apply if the sub is using an RLV-enabled viewer. Otherwise the Gag Menu will not show the relevant buttons.

The idea is that once gagged, the sub is prevented from talking, whether in chat or IMs.

The garble loose feature is unlocked once the sub has attained the Circle of Novice The sub’s Owner will see a new button in the garble settings on the Gag Menu.

The idea is that when the gag is somewhat loose, people close to the sub should be able to understand her ramblings. These would be her Owners, her friends on the IM Exception list. The sub’s Owner can add her friends to the list: Gag Menu > RLV options… > IM-except

The garble tight feature is unlocked once the sub has attained the Circle of Novice. This setting is the same as the default setting, where sub can’t talk to her Owners or her friends on her IM Exception list. The sub’s Owner can turn this on temporarily to enforce discipline or punishment.

The idea is that when the gag is tightly worn, she will not be intelligible, even to those close to her.

Besides the above, the sub’s Owner can turn off the No-IM setting. This allows the sub to IM at will, overriding all of the above garble settings.

To turn off the No-IM rule: Gag Menu > other… > RLV options… > uncheck No-IM box.

If the sub is still an Initiate (i.e. below the Circle of Novice), this is the only way to enable IMs

IMs to Lulu Ludovico will always work, so as to ensure support is always available.

  • garble-and-im-settings.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/29 08:43
  • by lulu