
Using the Collar Ring Menu

You can easily rehook and change leash length by using the Collar Ring Menu.


  • rez or wear a LULU Leash Ring – your pet is automatically leashed, and you get the relevant Collar Ring Menu for the current leash/collar ring, or
  • click a LULU Leash Ring – if your pet is currently leashed, you will get get the menu for that leash/collar ring. If unleashed, your pet will now be leashed, and you will get the Collar Ring Menu for that leash/collar ring.
  1. Collar Menu > leash… > releash…* (learn more.)
  2. Choose the specific collar ring you wish to relink.
  3. You will be shown the chosen collar ring’s Collar Ring Menu.

The Info area tells you:

  1. which collar ring this menu controls – front, left, right, rear.
  2. what it is currently connected to.
  3. the length of the current leash.

The top two rows lengthen and shorten the leash ring, by 5m, 1m and 0.5m increments.

The cycle button re-leashes the current leash to the next available collar ring. To cycle to a collar ring that is already occupied, you need to first unleash or re-leash that other ring.

You can also unleash the current leash.

To return to leash options, hit leash….

  • collar-ring-menu.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/30 05:03
  • by lulu