
Utility HUD AO Panel

These are the four buttons of the AO Button:

The buttons are:

AO On/Off.

A quick way to turn your uHUD AO on or off.

Groundsit On/Off

Allows you to sit on the ground, or floor; or get up if you're already seated. Requires that you have specified a valid groundsit pose in your AO notecard.

Select Groundsit Anim

Allows to select your preferred groundsit animation.

Sit Animation Override On/Off

If you're seated on an object, allows you to override any default seating anim with your preferred sit anim. The preferred sit anim must be correctly specified in your AO notecard.

Show/Hide AO Panel You can hide (or show) the AO Panel to save space, by clicking the tiny arrow button located below the panel.


  • uhud-ao.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/30 03:51
  • by lulu