Table of Contents

What is Gag Training?

This following applies to HUD7 and gag v5 and above.

What is Gag Training?

Gag Training is when the sub, locked in a Gag, spends time inworld in silence - i.e. Ban Talk is turned on and she is not allowed to talk to anyone in chat (IMs are allowed, though it is discouraged). Valid emote are allowed, but illegal ones aren't. To ensure that the sub is physically present at the keyboard, Focus is turned on (Focus is a HUD feature that will randomly challenge the sub with a simple question to ensure she is not afk).

Gag Training is the way a sub moves through the Gag Circles - she starts as an Initiate by default, and successfully completing each Session will see her promote through Novice, Adept, Slave, and First Slave. Each Circle unlocks new features in the Gag. There are also exclusive rewards and leaderboards at the end.

How to start

  1. Lock the Gag
  2. Go to Gag Menu > Train… > START.

This will automatically start Focus and BanTalk.

Training Penalties and Failures

Training Success

Sudden-Death - First Slaves going for the Leaderboard

Lock Timer

See Also