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LULU Public Register

The LULU Public Register is an online repository of Ownership Deeds of those who wear the LULU Signature CollarBold Text. Anyone can search the Register.

The sub’s Ownership Deed is placed in one of five Registers:

Where's the Register?

Public Register Web Address

To go to the Public Register, point your browser to:

Or, go to Lulu’s Old Blog and click the picture of the Public Register:

Search the Public Register

To search, enter the legacy name (e.g. Jane Resident) of the avie you are searching, and also the Register she might be on.

If nothing is found, it could be one of several reasons:


The sub’s Owner can set the her Ownership Deed to private, so that it is not searchable on the Public Register by the general public. Only the sub herself, her Owner, and those on her list of pet-mates or sub-mates are allowed to search and view her Deed. They must be signed in to do so.

See also

Using and Editing your Ownership Deed