====== Utility HUD AO Panel ====== These are the four buttons of the AO Button: {{:image.png?50|}} {{:image-2.png?50|}} {{:image-3.png?50|}} {{:image-4.png?50|}} ==== The AO Buttons ==== The buttons are: {{:image.png?50|}} **AO On/Off.** A quick way to turn your uHUD AO on or off. {{:image-2.png?50|}} **Groundsit On/Off** Allows you to sit on the ground, or floor; or get up if you're already seated. Requires that you have specified a valid groundsit pose in your AO notecard. {{:image-3.png?50|}} **Select Groundsit Anim** Allows to select your preferred groundsit animation. {{:image-4.png?50|}} **Sit Animation Override On/Off** If you're seated on an object, allows you to override any default seating anim with your preferred sit anim. The preferred sit anim must be correctly specified in your AO notecard. Show/Hide AO Panel You can hide (or show) the AO Panel to save space, by clicking the tiny arrow button {{:image-5.png?20|}} located below the panel. ---- https://lu2.me/AOHelp