====== What is the Utility HUD (uHUD)? ====== ==== What is the uHUD? ==== The LULU uHUD provides additional bondage features like: * RLV features, e.g. RLV Relay, wear/strip attachments and clothes, inventory lock, etc. * additional bondage anims (you can add your own) * rezzable objects, e.g. cages (you can add your own) * AO that plays nice with Collar and Cuff anims. * an API for you to write your own scripts and add buttons and features and access HUD stats. ==== Why is it not part of the Collar or Cuffs or Gag? ==== **Lulu Ludovico:** I've always believed that a Collar, or Cuffs, or Gag, should be pure. Nothing should detract from its spirit in the bondage experience. Many items in SL these days come with lots of additional features that have nothing to do with wearing a Collar. Features like controlling inventory access, wearing/stripping clothes or attachments, rezzing cages. Yes, they are convenient. Yes, they are useful. But they have nothing to do with a Collar. or Cuffs. or Gag. They are general utility features. Hence, the **LULU uHUD** separates the general SL utility features from the core Collar, Cuffs or Gag experience. ==== Why not just put it in the HUD? ==== In addition, the uHUD is moddable, allowing anyone to add scripts, buttons, rezzable objects, and such. The uHUD also allows anyone to use scripts to access many of the HUD's stats, like the sub's gender, whether she is a sub, slave, or pet, for use in your own emotes and roleplay. The main LULU HUD is no-mod so as to maintain the highest possible security. The only way to allow users to add scripts, toys etc. to their experience was to provide a separate moddable object. It's like //sandboxing// - gives you features while staying in a safe place that can't touch all the important stuff. ==== Where can I get the uHUD? ==== It comes free with any Signature gear you have, including Collar, Cuffs and Gag. You only need to wear one. ==== How do I use it? ==== You can access the uHUD menu: * say ''/1..'' (two periods) in chat, assuming your command channel is 1. * say ''/1..rlv'' to access the uHUD's RLV menu * on the main HUD Menu, click **☷ uHUD** button at the bottom. * on sub's LULU HUD, click the **uHUD** icon ==== How do I write scripts for it? ==== See http://blog.lululudovico.com/uhud-api ---- https://lu2.me/uHUD