====== What is RLV-Rez and RLV Folders? ====== ==== Setting up RLV-rez ==== After activation, and on log in, the **LULU HUD** will ask the sub to set up **RLV-rez** so as to enable this feature. ==== What is it? ==== In short, it is a backup rez when **LULU Air-Rez** fails: A sub's owner can launch **LULU Cuffs, Gag** or **Collar** onto the sub anytime by a simple command. The LULU gear will rez in the air and attach to the sub. This is Air-Rez. However, some sims do not allow rez-rights to the public, and Air-Rez will fail. Now, if the sub has RLV turned on, instead of failing, the LULU system can use **RLV Folders** (a feature of RLV which allows third parties to cause the sub to wear items from that particular folder) to put the LULU gear onto the sub. The gear will not rez in the air, but attach straight to the sub as if the sub had opened her inventory and clicked 'wear'. ==== How to RLV Rez? ==== Simply add "rlv" to your rez command, e.g. ''/1c rlv'' rezzes all cuffs by rlv ''/1g rlv'' rezzes your gag by rlv ''/1l rlv'' rezzes your collar by rlv ---- https://lu2.me/rlv-rez