====== Resizing your Signature Cuffs ====== You can re-size the Signature Cuffs **in pairs**. Both the sub and the sub’s [[what-is-my-owner|Owner]] can re-size the **Signature Cuffs**. ==== How to Resize your LULU Cuffs ==== To re-size your **Signature Cuffs**: Wear all the cuffs by saying ''/1c'' or clicking the Cuff icon on the HUD. (Replace ''/1'' with your custom command channel, if any.) - Call up the **Cuff Menu** (Click the Cuff icon on the HUD or say ''/1c'' again while cuffs worn; or click any Cuff) - **Cuff Menu > other… > re-size** If there is no re-size button, it’s because you are both **self-owned and locked**. **Unlock** yourself and try again. - Choose the cuffs you wish to resize. - You will be instructed to say a number – this number is the size number. * For example * to return to the default size: say ''1''. * to make the cuffs **5%** bigger //than the default//: say ''1.05''. * if you want to make it **bigger** still: say ''1.06'' and so on (saying ''1.05'' again does not make it another 5% bigger. It just makes it the size that is 5% bigger than default)