====== Keyboard shortcuts for Pet-Crawl ====== ===== Moving around with Pet-Crawl ===== **Pet-Crawl** is a **Dynamic AO**. Unlike a normal, passive AO, which randomly cycles through poses, **Pet-Crawl** allows the sub to actively control the way she crawls and emotes. If you’re not already in Pet-Crawl, click {{:icon-pet-crawl.png|}} on your HUD. You will need HUD v7.4 for this: | Tap ''PgUp'' (* see below) | cycle forward to next crawl pose | | Tap ''PgDn'' or ''↓'' or ''S'' | cyle backward to previous crawl pose | | Press and hold ''↑'' or ''W'' | crawl forward | | Press and hold ''←'' or ''A'' | turn left in current crawl pose | | Press and hold ''→'' or ''D'' | turn right in current crawl pose | * Make sure you go to your Viewer settings and turn off Fly with "PgUp", otherwise you will fly every time you change your pose! If the buttons above aren't working as expected for you, make sure your HUD is v7.4 and above. ---- https://lu2.me/petTips