====== What is the LULU Key Box? ====== {{ ::lulu-keybox.jpg?400 |}} The **LULU Key Box** is for the sub’s [[what-is-my-owner|Owner]]. **Keys on demand.** It gives you the keys to all of your sub’s LULU gear, on demand. When she acquires a new LULU gear (say she just got a new **Signature Gag**), you can just go to the **Key Box** and get the key to the new gear. Deleted a key by accident? Just go to the Key Box. No more waiting for the sub to be around to get them. **Trophy.** You can mount your **LULU Key Box** on your wall at home. Your trophy wall. Your sub’s photo is on the Clipboard, for your viewing pleasure. **Clipboard.** Clicking the Clipboard on the cover of the Key Box brings you to a handy web page [[dom|Getting started for Doms]]. ===== How to get the LULU Key Box: ===== The Key Box can only be given to the sub's Owner (whether self-owned or by another avie). ==== If you are the sub's Owner: ==== * You are automatically given your sub’s Key Box the moment she adds you her owner’s list: * (sub clicks white LULU logo on HUD to get menu; **HUD Menu** > **owner…** > **add…**); or * Say “/1.” to get the HUD menu. **HUD menu** > **take Key Box** or * Have your sub give you a fresh Key Box (She clicks the white LULU logo; **HUD menu** > **give Key Box**) ==== If you are the sub and are owned by someone: ==== * Click the white LULU logo: **HUD menu** > **give Key Box** to give the Key Box to your Owner. ==== If you are the sub, and you are self-owned, you can get the Key Box: ==== * Click the white LULU logo: **HUD menu** > **take Key Box** ===== How to get the keys and Leash Ring from the Key Box: ===== - Rez the **LULU Key Box** (make sure it’s the latest version) inworld. - **Click** the **Key Box**. - The **Key Box** will give you relevant keys and Leash Ring, depending on what the sub has. (You have to click 'yes' when the keys ask for permission to attach.) ---- https://lu2.me/keybox https://lu2.me/keyme