====== LULU GAG: GETTING STARTED ====== {{:lulu-gag-ball-strap.jpg|}} Congratulations on owning your very own **LULU Signature Gag!** ==== Your LULU Signature Gag ==== Your Signature Gag in your mouth is pretty special. ^ Why it's special: Key Features ^^ | **Beautiful** | Fine stitched leather, beautifully marbled balls, shiny rings. Simply gorgeous. | | **Smart Garble** | Different types of gags yields different "sounds". | | **Gag Circles** | Start as Initiate, and progress through the [[gag-circles|Gag Circles]] to** First Slave**.\\ Along the way, unlock features, collect [[first-slave-tattoo|rewards]], and get an invite to the [[joining-lulu-first-slave-group|First Slave group]]. | | **Air-Rez** | Gag rezzes in the air and pops into the mouth. No permissions. No RLV required. | | **Lock-down Mode** | Available to subs who've attained the **Slave Circle**. Sub can't change owners when locked down. | | **Whines + Emotes** | Sexy whines and emotes when gagged. | | **Drool** | Sexy drool when gagged. | | **Gag Label** | Owner can set a custom label over the sub's head. | | **Real Key** | Real physical key to lock and unlock the gag. | | **Re-Rez** | If gag is detached while locked, fresh gag will re-rez in the air and pop back into mouth. | ==== Getting Started ==== - **Rez** the **LULU Signature Boxed Set** - **Click** the Box. - **Copy to Inventory** and **Yes** to move - Look in your inventory for **~LULU Signature Boxed Set** folder and wear the **LULU Signature HUD** - Your HUD will initialize and start activation. - After successful activation, your Gag is ready, and you can air-rez it by clicking the Gag icon on your HUD === Utility HUD === - Wear the **LULU Utility HUD** (uHUD). That gives you additional features like a built-in AO, RLV, rez toys, anims, LM teleporter and so on. - If you plan on using your own AO instead of the one provided in the **LULU Utility HUD**, look for the script **LULU.aoSync.lsl** (or **LULU.aoBridge.lsl**) in your inventory and drop it into your AO so that it will not conflict with your LULU Cuffs. - If you want to use the modified ZHAO AO provided, you don’t need to use the script. The AO is already pre-configured to play nice with your LULU Cuffs. ==== If you’re New to LULU ==== - If you’re male, or into experimentation, set your gender by saying ''/1.male''. Or click the white LULU logo on your HUD. **HUD Menu > settings > gender…** - Now’s the time to set your [[what-is-my-owner|Owner]]. ==== Using your LULU Gag ==== **Quick chat commands** | ''/1g'' | **air-rezzes** Signature Gag or **Gag Menu** if not worn | | ''/1g rlv'' | **rlv-rezzes** Signature Gag from rlv-folders | | ''/1g help'' | list of chat commands | | ''%%/1g--%%'' or ''/1g remove'' | detaches gag | More Gag Chat Commands [[gag-chat-commands|here]]. ==== If You’re the Sub’s Owner ==== [[dom|Getting Started: for Doms and Dommes]]. ==== LULU Gag Resources ==== | Gag Helpdesk | https://lu2.me/uvGagHelpDesk | | Gag Page | https://gear.lululudovico.com/SigGag.php |