LULU CUFFS: GETTING STARTED → {{:lulu-cuffs-steel-2.jpg|}} Congratulations on owning your very own **LULU Signature Cuffs**! ==== LULU Signature Cuffs ==== Your **Signature Cuffs** that embrace your wrists and ankles are made with lots of love. ^ Why It’s Amazing: Key Features || | **Gorgeous** | Distressed tan or white leather base, or celtic padded-steel. Simply stunning. | | **Independent ties** | Wear the cuffs, then tie up wrists, ankles, (optionally upper arms and thighs), part by part. | | **Pose-on-the-fly** | No pose names to remember, just tie her up, part by part.\\ Start with 76 poses, add Arm and Thigh Plugins to go up to 674 poses. | | **Smart Refresh** | Wrists and arms remain bound when walking, dancing, sitting. Even when she relogs. | | **Smart Walk** | 8 walk styles, depending on current bound position:\\ wriggle/crawl on belly, kneel-walk, duck-walk, butt-walk, hop, hobble, etc. | | **Smart Walk 2** | (requires [[|Thigh Plugin]]) Two-finger walks and single-thrust walks. Sexy body physics. Feel cramps. | | **Smart Transition 2** | (requires [[|Arm]] or [[|Thigh ]] Plugin) Smooth realistic transitions moving between different arm and leg poses. | | **Smart Fidget** | (requires [[|Thigh Plugin]]) No more frozen-leg poses. | | **Chains Galore** | 24 ways of chaining cuffs to each other, or 312 ways with any one Plugin, or 5,616 combinations with both Arm and Thigh Plugins. | | **Air-Rez** | Cuffs rez in the air and attach onto sub. No permissions. No special viewers. | ==== Getting Started ==== - **Rez** the **LULU Signature Boxed Set** - **Click** the Box. - **Copy to Inventory** and **Yes** to move - Look in your inventory for **~LULU Signature Boxed Set** folder and wear the **LULU Signature HUD** - Your HUD will initialize and start activation. - After successful activation, your Cuffs are ready, and you can air-rez them by clicking the Cuffs icon on your HUD === Utility HUD === - Wear the **LULU Utility HUD** (uHUD). That gives you additional features like a built-in AO, RLV, rez toys, anims, LM teleporter and so on. - If you plan on using your own AO instead of the one provided in the **LULU Utility HUD**, look for the script **LULU.aoSync.lsl** (or **LULU.aoBridge.lsl**) in your inventory and drop it into your AO so that it will not conflict with your LULU Cuffs. - If you want to use the modified ZHAO AO provided, you don’t need to use the script. The AO is already pre-configured to play nice with your LULU Cuffs. ==== If you’re New to LULU ==== - If you’re male, or into experimentation, set your gender by saying ''/1.male''. Or click the white LULU logo on your HUD. **HUD Menu > settings > gender…** - Now’s the time to set your [[what-is-my-owner|Owner]]. ==== Using LULU Cuffs ==== **Quick chat commands** | ''/1c'' | air-rezzes Signature Cuffs, or Cuff Menu if already worn | | ''/1c-'' | kwik-release, returns sub to default SL standing postion | | ''%%/1c--%%'' or ''/1c remove'' | **detaches** cuffs | | ''/1c1'' | launches **wrists** only | | ''/1c2'' | launches **ankles** only | | ''/1c3'' | launches **arms** only | | ''/1c4'' | launches **thighs** only | | ''/1c1r'' | launches **right wrist** cuff only | | ''/1c2l'' | launches **left ankle** cuff | | etc. | (combine ''c1'' to ''c4'' with ''l'' or ''r'' to rez desired cuff) | Learn more about [[rezzing-individual-cuffs|rezzing individual cuffs]] ==== If You’re the Sub’s Owner ==== [[dom|Getting Started: for Doms and Dommes]]. ==== LULU Cuffs and RLV ==== Some RLV features unigue to [[rlv-cuffs|LULU Cuffs]] ==== LULU Cuff Resources ==== | Cuffs Helpdesk | | | Cuffs Page | |