====== How can I join the LULU First Slave Circle group? ====== ==== Joining the LULU First Slave Circle group ==== It’s been a long journey of silence, but you made it. Welcome to the [[gag-circles|First Slave Circle]]…… it’s a small group. You're now eligible to join [[secondlife:///app/group/d1f19464-686a-6e8c-468c-2066139e8f70/about|LULU First Slave Circle]] group. It’s a place to say ‘hi’ to fellow subbies, chat, ask questions, share ideas, help someone, and make friends. Unlike the main [[secondlife:///app/group/6bc9dd42-7959-cbea-deac-5846ae894237/about|Lulu’s Designer Club]] group, everyone is encouraged to say hi and chat here. If you’re eligible, please IM [[secondlife:///app/agent/80ef232e-14dc-41d7-851e-25a05ab940e1/about|Felicity]] for an invite. ==== Your Group Title ==== Your title will depend on how many **First Slaves** circles you have: * if you have one gag and are First Slave, your title is LULU First Slave * if you are First Slave at 2 or 3 gags, your title is LULU First Slave x2 or x3, up to x6! As a group member, you are also eligible for a free [[first-slave-tattoo|LULU First Slave tatt]], so that you can wear your title with pride. https://lu2.me/FSjoin